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Coronavirus News, Quarantine News, and News

The CoronaVirus has swept through the USA and other nations leaving people puzzled with the notion of what to do daily. Schools have been shut down, hospitals overloaded with patients, people panicking, while trying to remain calm. All of these thoughts have been sent out by the news, city, state, and US government adding that nations worldwide have been too, effected by a sort of standstill in environments outside the home including career and worksites. When the rodeo was cancelled in TEXAS, I knew this was a serious disease and dis-ease, when the CoronaVirus swept through everywhere for all appearance sake capturing attentions of surprise, daily. Local governments got together and created sites for access for testing and assessment of this new virus needing a vaccine. The thoughts of seeking good news, always imminent.

So, when the quarantine guidelines and measures evaded our personal lives, persons felt as though there was nothing to do, nowhere to go, and no resources to buy necessities with. With decreasing income, of course this statement meant salaries and monies coming into the home were a question mark. Along with the question mark, came folks looking at each other at home, assuming they had already been doing this, but now, no nursery school, afterschool, toting to the gyms, or even doctor’s appointments unless it was an emergency. Can anyone say events? No, not yet fully. Thank you media, for highlighting so many tasks that I have been doing at home for years. The living color of presentations given by others in have been very active and alive and has had special touches from home, social media networks, and church services online. With all this media happening, I may just make, a tic tock video, too. Laugh out loud, during the quarantine and news.

The news itself cannot help, trying to brighten days around getting back to the norm of routines and schedules, relaying the stepwise way of getting persons back to work, school, and social settings. I find that Spring Break and Summer arrived early. Persons searching for solace in Grocery Day, Park Day, and pending stimulus Check Day from the government, allocated to show up to tax filing citizens. News happening all the time, with the numbers of persons dying from this COVID-19 plague, but life additionally continues with the intensity of city and states aligning together for access for the means to sustain life and resources. The news continues to be encouraging and faithful, sharing relative variations on home life lessons, learning, listening, and leisure.

The messages here are important and necessary to know in extending human life and humaneness. There is something to learn when death may have an opportunity to knock, and not only your door, but everybody’s door. A Christian is supposed to know any day or the hour, death may come, so be ready. This is not saying Christians will not be surprised, but there is security in knowing fate is determined. This is good news and the Good News (the Gospel) of Salvation in accepting Christ as Savior. Surprisingly, no one in detail has spoken of CoronaVirus, masks, people dying, monetary concerns, or means of inaccessible transportation, but me, along with several others, media, and around the community. As the things are adjusting back to the norm, let us be mindful to consider the hope that you have or can have in Jesus. The Bible says, “He will not leave or forsake you.” This is good news to someone who has been distant from others, God, and self. KHMinistries’ word is to be encouraged as you live and do, one day at a time. Amen

Enjoy Spring & Summer,

KHMinistries 2020

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